Be Kind To One Another

I had a whole different blog post planned for last night. But I wasn't ready to publish it, nor was I feeling like it was the right night for it. So, here we are. A day late, but with something that feels more right tonight.

I am deeply saddened by how much negativity and hurt I see, especially on social media, lately. Then, when I see what surely is the worst of the cruelty, someone says something more hurtful. My heart is broken to see that so many people are so intolerant of others opinions, values, and ideas. When someone disagrees with a friend, they darn near end the friendship over it.

My only request is that everyone be kind to each other. There is no need to be cruel. Being cruel and cold-hearted never achieved any positive outcomes. However, being kind and building each other up not only increases the esteem you hold in yourself, but also makes someone else's day a little bit brighter. Also, kindness has a way of being passed on when it is shared.

It may come as a shock to some, but one person can have differing opinions from someone else and still maintain a relationship, be it friendship, professional, or romantic. Being different is what makes this world so colorful and exciting. Hold onto those differences, embrace those differences, learn from those differences. You might experience some incredible, life changing, moving adventures that light your world on fire!

So, when you see or hear something you don't agree with on social media, or in the newspaper, or on the subway, don't jump to cruelty. Don't jump to name calling or questioning intelligence type remarks. Open your mind to their way of thinking. Consider the world from their point of view. Why would they consider something that is so obviously black in your mind as obviously white in their mind? How many shades of gray are you apart from each other? Ask questions. Open your hearts. Open your minds. Let us be reunited as a human race and enjoy this amazing journey we call life.

Be kind to one another.

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New posts will be up every Tuesday and Friday.


Erica said…
So, so true!! Life is so much happier & relationships can blossom when we love each other & overlook differences, faults & imperfections! Life is too short to waste time on any negative energy.
wraemsanders said…
So true! There's enough negativity out there. Why add to it?
Daiana said…
Very well said. Respecting other peoples voices is key. Agreeing in everything is impossible, so why not disagree in the most respectful and constructive way?

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